Welcome to AtlanticNet, Ltd.
Look sir: Droids!
 | | Mix Match 3D is now available for the Android! CLICK HERE to visit the Android Market and get yours.
Be on the lookout for Zombie Bowling 2.0 for the Android, coming to the Android Market this Spring. Zombie Bowling features new zombies, new bowling balls, new environments, an overhauled shooting mechanic, support for up to four players and more. |
Upcoming Games for the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad... and Android!
 | | Bubbles are an everyday part of life. Happy, bouncing bubbles. But now something's amiss, and there are not only bubbles but bubble baddies to deal with. That's where you come in. Bubble mowers are now more important than ever as they rid the world of more and more bubble bad guys. |
 | | The town of Double Nova is like any other in the old west... any other town on Mars that is. Steampunk meets weird west in Double Nova Rodeo for the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. You'll get to join in Double Nova's annual rodeo and summer fair. Participate in events like long distance racing, tie down roping, barrel racing and more. Pass your device around among your friends and see who can get the best time or the most points. But not everything is above-board at the rodeo...
Double Nova Rodeo is the prologue to our upcoming iPad epic Double Nova Ranch, where you are the new Marshall in the territory and it's up to you to set things to right.
July 10, 2010 : MacWorld.com Rates Zombie Bowling HD 3.5 out of 5
MacWorld has been kind enough to review Zombie Bowling HD. CLICK HERE to read the entire article.
June 23, 2010 : Zombie Bowling HD Web Demo Now Onlie
The Zombie Bowling HD Web Demo is live. CLICK HERE to go to play. Coming soon: New Zombie Bowling HD screen shots, the unvieling of our next two games for the iPhone, our next game for the iPad, a new Facebook game, and lots more! Stay tuned...
June 9, 2010 : Zombie Bowling HD Available Now on the App Store
CLICK HERE to visit the App Store and get yours. The Zombie Bowling HD min-game is up and running as a Facebook app, CLICK HERE to go to Facebook and play. Coming soon: Zombie Bowling HD online demo!
June 2, 2010 : Zombie Bowling HD Comming Soon to the App Store
CLICK HERE for a sneak peak. Also, be on the lookout for the Zombie Bowling HD Shootem' game coming soon to Facebook!

April 12, 2010 : Mix Match 3D iPad Available Now on the App Store
CLICK HERE to pick up your copy of MM3D HD on the App Store.
April 8, 2010 : Mix Match 3D for the iPad Available Soon, More iPad Games Coming
Be on the lookout for the iPad version of MM3D. We will be announcing two new iPad games soon, check back often!
March 26, 2010 : Mix Match 3D Version 1.5 Available Now
MM3D version 1.5, with OpenFeint connectivity, is available now. Hit the App Store to get your free update.
March 23, 2010 : Mix Match 3D Version 1.5 Update Coming Soon
MM3D version 1.5 will introduce OpenFeint connectivity, allowing the best of the Best Times to be sent to the OpenFeint leaderboard.
March 1, 2010 : Eric Johnson Interviewed by iWorth It App Reviews
AtlanticNet, Ltd. founder and Lead Designer Eric Johnson has been interviewed by iWorth It App Reviews regarding the development of Zombie Bowling. Read the full article HERE.
Februaty 26, 2010 : Zombie Bowling Version 1.6 Update - Available Now on the App Store
Zombie Bowling has been updated to version 1.6, now available on the App store! The 1.6 update includes the following:
- New Bowling Environment: "Tropical Depression"
- New Bowling Balls: "Tie-Die"
CLICK HERE to head to the App Store and get yours.

December 28, 2009 : Zombie Bowling Update Version 1.5 - Available Now on the App Store
Zombie Bowling has been updated to version 1.5, now available on the App store! The 1.5 update includes the following:
- OpenFeint Connectivity
- Bravery Setting: choose how much ammo you start the game with
- New Bowling Environment: "Getting Medieval"
- New Bowling Balls: "Tangerine" and "Violet Violence"
- Performance Enhancements
- Bug Fixes
CLICK HERE to head to the App Store and get yours.
December 4, 2009 : Mix Match 3D - Available Now on the App Store
Our latest game, Mix Match 3D (MM3D) is now available on the App store! CLICK HERE to check it out on the App Store. Visit the MM3D Site for more info on this challenging new puzzle game.
December 2, 2009 : Mix Match 3D - Available December 4, 2009
Our latest game, Mix Match 3D (MM3D) will be available on the App Store Friday December 4, 2009! Visit the MM3D Site for more info on this challenging new puzzle game.
December 1, 2009 : Zombie Bowling Update Announcement
We are pleased to announce that version 2.0 of Zombie Bowling is nearing completion and should be available by the end of December, 2009. The update features integration of OpenFeint, performance enhancements for first and second generation devices, bug fixes and new content including the "Getting Medieval" bowling environment. More details will be forthcoming in the next few days. Stay tuned!

August 4, 2009 : Zombie Bowling for the iPhone and iPod touch available on the App Store
Our first game, Zombie Bowling, is now available on the App Store! Learn more HERE. Visit the Zombie Bowling site on the App Store HERE.
Spring, 2009 : We Are Shifting Our Core Business Focus
Since 1999 our primary focus has been on multimedia, e-learning and web site design/hosting. Now we are proud to announce our entry into the mobile application and casual games arenas.
While we will still work with our current clients to ensure their continuing success, we are no longer accepting new multimedia/web customers. We would like to thank all our multimedia customers and wish them further growth and prosperity. |
Zombie Bowling HD
for the iPad Available NOW!

Mix Match 3D HD
for the iPad Available NOW!

Mix Match 3D 1.5
for the iPhone and iPod touch
with OpenFeint Available NOW!

Zombie Bowling 1.6
for the iPhone and iPod touch
with OpenFeint Available NOW!

Check out the Zombie Bowling MySpace page myspace.com/zombiebowling