9/25/01 News : Hudge
Sorry for the lack of updates, hasn't been too much going on with everyone in school. The Roster page has been updated along with the Diplomacy page. You should notice that the squads are gone because each had about 3 people and maybe one would be active in the squad. But the rank system is still intact so you should see who your superiors are before you go onto Gamespy.
So if any of you guys have something that's news worth, fleet news or not, give me a yell. Make sure to watch for Bridge Commander which should be out around or after Christmas. Oh yeah one more thing, if you guys have names for your Ships, let me know that too and I will add it to the Roster Page. Thanks.
9/2/01 News : Hudge
Poqk Ter has left again. Superman is now in charge. So he gets to make all the good decisions for us.
Not too much news going on. We have moved to Green Alert because everything has settled down some.
8/22/01 New Host : Hudge
John over at KA.com has graciously given us hosting space on the KA.com server. We have a new message board that all members need to register on. All members need to email me right away for some semi important news. Thanks John.
Poqk Ter has decided he cant live without us and came crawling back, lol. But he is back nevertheless. Welcome back.
Everyone should try to be on Gamespy at least 2 times a week to train. I myself and a few others will be on less due to school starting up here in the near future.
We are also looking into moving into other games besides KA, if enough members have the requested game. So far ST: Armada looks good for a branch of the KAAF and possibly Elite Force. Any other Star Trek games you think we should move into, post it on the new boards.
8/17/01 Big News : Hudge
First off, Poqk Ter has resigned his commission as General of the KAAF. I was given command with his last order. I hope I do a good job you everyone helps me along the way.
The WHA is currently under an overhaul to strengthen it. I hope it works.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO CONTACT YOUR SQUAD LEADER ASAP. Find out when your squad meetings are on and squad training. Go to the Roster page to see where you are at.
Everyone make sure to download ICQ so when can me more organized for fleet operations.
There is a fleet wide training exercise at around 5 PM CST on the 18th of August. Hopefully it will last until 7 PM CST. Everyone try to be there, this is real important.
Lastly and most important, no one for any circumstance is to spy on any other fleet. This has cause nothing but trouble in the past and it should end now.
8/6/01 News : Hudge
Ok let me first welcome 4 new members to the KAAF: Krenn sutai-Rustazh, Killercore, Civic, and Sith-Thraka. I hope to see you all on the battlefield.
Next is we have a War Games meeting with SGF on Friday, August 10 at 9 Central time. All members are encouraged to show up.
Congratulations go to RCgothic for receiving the Medal of Valour last night in a heroic sacrifice to save a nearly fallen comrade. RCgothic also received a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant. Keep up the great work!
Lastly, we have teamed up with IKC under the flag of the Warriors Honour Alliance for the Eugenics Wars. Emperor Shulldron will lead us to victory with General Poqk Ter as second in command
7/30/01 News : Hudge
Just a little bit of news here. We (KAAF) have signed up to be in the Eugenics Wars, which start in August. All members need to sign up if they haven't already. This looks like a fun thing to do and hope all members can participate.
Congratulations go to Superman-tmos who has received a promotion to the rank of Chancellor. He is now responsible for all diplomatic relations with other fleets.
Just a reminder, everyone try to be on Gamespy often as you can to practice and try to learn some new tactics for the Eugenics Wars.
7/28/01 General Meeting : Hudge
General Poqk Ter has asked for all members to attend a meeting at 6 PM Eastern Time on Gamespy. You are encouraged to join. If you can't make it, post a message in the Open Discussion forum.
7/25/01 Enlistment Page: Hudge
Major thanks goes out to Derek Rosenweig (OzzyRocks) for helping make this page. When you finish recruiting someone, just send them to that page now for them to fill out so its official.
7/24/01 Chat Room: Hudge
Hey all, just added a Chat Room. Its under the Communications section. Hope to see you in there sometime.
7/22/01 News: Hudge
Well, KAAF has joined up in the WHA (Warriors Honour Alliance) so now we are part of a 4 fleet organization.
We are working on getting a training schedule worked out. So make sure to check out the forums to get the times and dates.
The Starfleet Secret Service (SSS) link was added to our links page also.
6/29/01 New host: Hudge
Got a new host and a new message board is up too. Ill be gone for a week so don't count on me being anywhere. Qapla'.
6/27/01 Site Open: Hudge
Well the KAAF new improved self is up and running. I'm going to work on getting a Message Board set up for us so we can post IPS and Gamespy hosting there.